Desi Pops - MAGLOT Chocolates
Have you heard of MAGLOT Chocolates? I am a Chocolate lover, and I have given this name to a group of chocolates. MAGLOT stands for M ango A mla G inger L emon O live and T amarind chocolates. These Chocolates are Very Nutritious, Delicious, and Nostalgic, but In Today's Chocolate world, we Emphasise only Cocoa-rich Chocolates. In this article, I am briefing about the health benefits of Tamarind chocolates. Tamarind is a tropical tree that grows in several regions around the world. Its Scientific name is Tamarindus Indica. It produces pods filled with paste-like, sweet-sour fruit. Tamarind is rich in polyphenols that have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Tamarind is one of the richest sources of Thiamin(Vitamin B1, an essential nutrient that helps to improve learning abilities and also as a stress buster). 34% of nutrient composition in Tamarind is Thiamin, apart from Magnesium (28%), Potassium (22%) and Iron (19%). Regular usage of these nutrients ...